Mommy Makeovers
Many plastic surgeons, including Dr. Conkright, are performing "Mommy Makeovers". A Mommy Makeover is a combination of a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or lift and frequently liposuction that are all performed in one session. One particular woman who has not been shy discussing her mommy makeover is Hollywood actress Patricia Heaton, pictured above. So for all you mommies out there, listen up! You may find yourself having the same complaints about your body as listed below.
1) "I have flat, saggy breasts that are smaller now than before I was pregnant." Pregnancy causes the breasts to grow very rapidly. But after giving birth, breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size and sometimes even smaller. Also, the stretched skin may be unable to bounce back. There are 3 solutions:
-Breast Lift: If you are happy with your current breast size, but would like them to be perky again, this may be the solution for you!
-Breast Augmentation: If you are happy with the position of your breast, but would like them a little fuller, this may be the solution for you!
-Breast Lift with Implants: If you are unhappy with both the size and position of your breast, you may consider a breast lift with Implants.
2) "My stomach isn't as flat as it was before baby." A soft, flabby belly can be due to overstretched abdominal muscles. It takes a lot of hard work to get your pre-pregnancy stomach back, but sometimes even after hundreds of crunches and hours of cardio at the gym many women still have stretched out skin and a post-pregnancy pooch. The solution?
-Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck will take care of all the abdominal issues experienced post-pregnancy like stretch marks, excess skin and stretched abdominal wall.
3) "I've been dieting and exercising for months, but I still have saddlebags." As the body changes during pregnancy and weight accumulates, some areas, such as the inner and outer thighs, are harder to get back into shape than others. The solution?
-Liposuction: The lower body is one of the most popular areas treated through lipsosuction because it can be the most resistant to change. If after diet and exercise, you are still experiencing unruly saddlebags and love handles, liposuction may be for you!
Ladies, if you have any of the same concerns as above, now is as good as time as ever to call Dr. Conkright and set up a complimentary consult. It is time for you to do something for yourself and to be comfortable with your body once again!
Older Job Seekers Look To Plastic Surgery

As unemployment hits record highs, older job seekers are looking at plastic surgery to give them an edge over young professionals entering the workforce. While companies are trying to survive this economic crisis, they look at laying off individuals in efforts to cut back on expenses. The biggest shock comes to older employees, most who have been been employed for many many years. Once in a secure job position, older individuals are now having to compete with fresh, young talent who are also searching for a job.
A survery by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that 75% of physicians say they had treated patients who wanted plastic surgery to stay competetive in the workplace. We all know how important first impressions are when meeting someone, especially a future employer. Part of your first impression of an individual is their outward appearance. Older job seekers look at plastic surgery as an investment that will pay off in the long run because it will help them land a job.
Whether you are looking to freshen up your look in hopes of securing a job or simply to make yourself feel better, call today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Conkright! We would love to assist you in whatever cosmetic procedure your desire!
Hello and welcome to, the official website for Dr. J Michael Conkright. At Conkright Aesthetics we are committed to providing the highest level of professional service to each and every one of our patients. We strive to form a solid relationship with our patients through learning about you and your goals. Dr. Conkright's approach to plastic surgery is to create a more beautiful you. A natural look can be the result of plastic surgery and that is the kind of result you will receive with Dr. Conkright as your plastic surgeon. We take pride in the fact that our number one referal source is previous patients. The fact that past patients are willing to send their friends and family members to Conkright Aesthetics speaks for itself.
Throughout our website you can find information, as well as before and after pictures, of all the procedures Dr. Conkright performs. Information about skin care and non-invasive procedures such as Botox, Evolence, and Obagi Skin Care can also be found on our site. These procedures are performed by Martha Hahus, our Clincial Nurse Coordinator who has been with Dr. Conkright since 1987.
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