Breast Augmentation-CHECK!
I DID IT!! For those of you who have not read our Winter newsletter yet I am refering to my breasts. Yes, I finally had my breast augmentation surgery January 3rd, 2013, and I am sooo HAPPY! Was I nervous? Yes! Was I super excited? Absolutely! Do I have more self-confidence now? You better believe it! If this is something you have been thinking about but are just too scared or worried about what others might say if you were to "have your breasts done", then please read on. First of all being nervous or scared is completely normal. I mean it is surgery, and with any surgery there are risks. It is up to you to decide if the benefits of breast augmentation out way the risks. This is why speaking to a board certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Conkright is so important. With his years of education and experiance he will answer all your questions, address your concerns, provide you with all the facts and allow you to decide if breast augmentation is best for you. Obviously, I chose the surgery, and I am so glad that I did. The question I get the most from women considering augmentation is "how big did you go?' Well, that is kind of a hard question to anwer. I can tell you all that my implants are 285 cc and that I now wear a 34 C bra. That said, these implants are what fit my frame, and complemented the breast tissue I already had. Someone else with a different build and amount of breast tissue may need a 385 cc implants, and they still might be a C-cup. I know this may seem somewhat confusing, but once you sit down and talk with Dr. Conkright and he selects an implant for you it will make perfect sense. Next, are my two favorite phrases, the first, "you are having your breasts done?" and " what, you had your breasts done, oh my gosh". Don't worry, if you haven't heard them yet, you will hear them soon. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of cosmetic surgery, and whether or not you want to hear it they are going to tell you once you decide to have it done or have it done. My response, is "YES, YES, YES!" I mean, I already told over 1,500 people who receive our newsletter, and now I am righting a blog about, so really everyone knows, and it is A-O-K with me. Having a breast augmentation is something I did for me, and no one else. So, you do it for you, who cares what anyone else thinks or says, only you know what is best for you. I hope this information has inspired some of you to pick up the phone and call me, I look forward to hearing from you!
Danielle Blevins-Clinical Team Associate