Breast Reconstruction=Empowerment
When Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Jewel was asked to partner with the ASPS and serve as the national spokesperson for the inaugural National Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day on Oct. 17th she was both honored, and shocked at the same time. She was shocked to hear that 70 percent of women who are eligible for breast reconstruction are not properly informed of their options; therfore, (as few as) 20 percent of breast cancer survivors who undergo mastectomy currently choose to have reconstruction surgery. Yet, honored to be a part of a campaign that will help improve the lives of women through education and awareness. Deciding to team up with the ASPS for reconstruction awareness she hopes to make women become their own health care advocates. The way to do this is to be informed of your options that are available, and become part of this campaign by empowering themselves with information on this topic and gaining a better understanding of a survivor's options for reconstructive surgery. Also, any time you take the initiative to learn more and fully understand a disease, you absolutely become empowered. This is what BRA Day is all about-empowerment through education.
Jewel wrote a song called "Flower" specifically for the breast reconstructive campaign. "Flower" is such a personal song to me, and it fits this campaign in such a special way. Often words and music develop at the same time through melody, much like this song did. The song really is about overcoming obstacles with grace, dignity and courage- and out of that transformation and struggle is pure beauty.
The lyrics say: Challenges don't define her/ She is shaped by how she carries on/ Says this is her opportunity to decode/Grow into the type of woman she wants to become/And so with gratitude and the strength of humility/She transforms pain into victory, digging her roots deep
Performing during Plastic Surgery The Meeting in New Orleans Jewel hopes to educate more women on this issue and thus empowering them. Also, as a part of the fundraising initiative, the campaign will be raising money for CHARITY, an organization doing amazing work by providing reconstuctive surgery to those who cannot afford it.
Click the link below and sample this beautiful song created for an amazing cause.