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Top 10 tips to help you stay beautiful FOREVER
Who doesn't want to look beautiful forever? Unfortunately, it is not as simple as it seems. But, that also does not mean it is rocket science to stay beautiful for years longer. It is a process and so it takes time. Here I present you with 10 tips to help you stay beautiful forever.
1. Visit Conkright Aesthetics for all of your cosmetic surgery and aesthetic needs.
2. Sleep your way to beauty: Haven't you always wanted to know the secret of Sleeping Beauty's beautiful skin? Sleep relaxes your mind and body, and helps get rid of stress. This is the reason they call it "Beauty Sleep".
3. Drink water: Our body consists of about 70% water, so when you drink less water, your skin cells dehydrate. Water cleanses and hydrates the skin, giving it a youthful and healthy glow.
4. Run from the sun: Avoid direct exposure from the sun. The harmful rays not only darken the skin, but also results in premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots and other skin problems.
5. Use sunscreen even in winter or on a cloudy day: Just because it appears to not be sunny, the sun's rays pass through the clouds and directly affect your skin.
6. Watch your diet: Whatever you eat influences you skin and hair. Carefully watch what you eat. Avoid junk and oily food. Instead, opt for fresh vegetables, salmon, lean meat and high fiber foods.
7. Moisturize, even if your skin is oily: A moisturizer helps to hydrate your skin and keeps it moist. It also cleanses your skin and makes it glow.
8. Look after your hair: Long or short; pick a hairstyle that suits you best. However, make sure that you look after your hair. Use a good shampoo followed by a conditioner.
9. Be beautiful from the inside: Beauty should be inside-out. We're all human, we all do things that are bad. However, if possible, avoid wishing bad for others. Concentrate on yourself and your life alone. When you start feeling positive, it will have an impact on your beauty.
10. Stay away from stress: A happy person always tends to look more beautiful than a person who is always sad. So, try to avoid being a tragedy queen. There are so many reasons to smile and be happy. So, push the stress in your life far away, get rid of any kind of negativity and, most importantly, smile!
I think the last tip sums it all up! so..SMILE!
Giving Thanks
At this time of year I am particularly mindful of all the many things that I am thankful for... My patients (who are considered friends) are so very important to me and to Conkright Aesthetics. I am thankful for their continued trust in my skills. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of their lives and contribute to their sense of well-being. I am really thankful for Dr. Conkright's continued commitment to excellence, striving for the very best in patient care and an atmosphere of respect. Often thank you cards arrive at our office with remarks like "you have changed my life" or "I can't tell you how my self confidence has improved' and of course my favorite, " I could not have done it with out you". This beautiful office is definitely something to be grateful for! Gorgeous decor stocked with products and equipment to restore and enhance the face and body. Really, who wouldn't want to be around that all the time? Often, I am asked what I like best about my job. This is a difficult question to answer. The best answer I can give is that I LOVE to take care of my patients. I LOVE new products and techniques. My new favorite thing: Jan Marini Tinted Sunscreen SPF 45-never leave home without it. Wear it alone or as a primer, good for all skin types. I LOVE, LOVE the improved technology, allowing all of us at Conkright Aesthetics to be more efficient. I can't even imagine what I did before I had a computer and a digital camera. Of course, I am very fortunate to have a wonderful work family! (Dr. Conkright and Danielle)
To sum it all up, I am so thankful for a job that allows me to get paid for something that I LOVE so much.
Martha Hahus-Clinical Team Associate
Ready for the Holidays?
Are you ready for the holidays? I am certainly trying to get there. Have I started shopping for gifts for my friends and family? Not exactly. Have I began to make sure my skin is clear and glowing and ready to be kissed under the mistletoe, YES!! Thankfully, I work for Dr. Conkright and have Martha (AKA-the skin guru) available to help me with all the details, and there are A LOT! Year round I use the Obagi Nu-Derm System that we sell in our office, which by the way is the CADILLAC of skin care systems. However, I must tell you that recently Jan Marini Skin Research has came out with two AMAZING new products that I L-O-V-E!! The Pumpkin Spice Holiday Exfoliator is DELISH!! No, I have not eaten it, but when I use it to exfoliate my skin, I can't help but wish it is Thanksgiving Day and I am eating pumpkin pie. I have been using this product 2 or 3 times a week for the past month and my skin feels great. The other new product is a sun screen/MIRACLE CREAM! The Physical Protectant SPF 45 is slightly tinted leaving a sheer, matte finish and acts as a primer for makeup. So, not only does this product give my skin a healthy glow, it provides a smooth canvas for me to apply my makeup, AWESOME! A good skin care regimen is only half of my battle. I have been told that I have very dynamic facial features. Which to me means, I have what looks like an accordion sometimes on my forehead, and parentheses lines around my mouth. This is were Botox and Juvederm XC made by Allergan come into play. Fortunately for me Martha Hahus, the Clinical Nurse Coordinator, has been injecting since the early 2000's and because of her expertise my skin is smooth and full in all the right places. So, again I ask you, are you ready for the holidays? If this blog makes you rush to the mirror, then the answer is NO. If you have any questions about any of the products I have mentioned, please call me and I can give you the 411 on those as well as anything else we provide here at Conkright Aesthetics.
Happy Holidays!-Danielle
Looking for the quick FIX
Every cosmetic procedure takes a little while-or-longer to show its full effect so running to the mirror right after a procedure expecting "instant results" is futile. If any professional offers you instant results, RUN. Ther is no such thing. From Botox to a Face Lift there is certainly some time to wait for the end "look". In this decade of aging baby boomers that really are not comfortable with their appearance, instant gratification marketing is selling youth!
The morning new programs, the internet, you next door neighbor and yes, Dr. Oz seem to be considered the leaders in determining what is safe, and appropriate to cure your woes of getting "old", not the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Yes, there are good doctors making intelligent judgements on TV shows, but keep in mind what works well for some might not work for you. If you've seen something thought-provoking on TV, there's no harm in mentioning it to your doctor-just don't compare your results to something you saw on the tube. Some times it's smoke and mirrors???
Creams and potions promise big returns, only to have the consumer switch to another cream or potion when that one does not work miracles immediately. Hopping from one product to the other in search of youth is another problem in the "quick fix" quest. Millions of dollars are spent annually on the drug store remedy only to have the consumer complain they did not get the results they promised. Some over the counter home remedies may show some results, but if you are looking for real results, save yourself the aggravation of needless expenditure, find a good doctor.
For over 30 years I have been involved with the aging face and cosmetic surgery. There is no quick fix. If it seems to good to be true then it probably is. The world of aesthetics has come a long way since I began. My best advice ...set realistic goals, make sure your physician is board certified in plastic surgery, and follow his/her regimen for success. It may not be the quickest or inexpensive but definitely THE BEST!
Martha Hahus-Clinical Nurse Coordinator, Conkright Aesthetics