2010 Haiti Earthquake

By now, most have heard that Haiti was struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on January 12, 2010. It was absolutely devastating to wake up to the news of that horrific disaster. It was an unbelievable turn for the worse for an already impoverished country. Below are the latest figures regarding the destruction in Haiti (courtesy of CNN.com):
150,000: Latest estimate of the death toll, from the Haitian Health Ministry. The European Union and the Pan American Health Organization, which is coordinating the health-sector response, have estimated the quake killed 200,000 people.
194,000: Number of injured
134: Estimated number of people rescued by international search teams since the quake
9 million: Population of Haiti
3 million: Estimated number of people affected by the quake
1.5 million: Homeless people living on streets, including the thousands who lived in slums or makeshift homes prior to the quake
235,000: People who have left Port-au-Prince using free transportation provided by the government. The number who left by private means is undetermined.
At least 50: Aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 or higher that have hit Haiti since the January 12 quake
300,000: Children younger than 2 who need nutritional support
90: Percentage of schools in Port-au-Prince that have been destroyed
497: Haitian orphans who have been evacuated
$1.12 billion: International aid pledges
$783 million: Funds received as of Tuesday
$317 million: U.S. assistance as of Monday
17,000: U.S. military personnel in and around Haiti
8 million: Meals the World Food Programme has delivered to nearly 400,000 people
300: Aid distribution sites that are up and running
130 to 150: Flights arriving every day at the single-runway Port-au-Prince airport with aid
12,000: U.N. workers in the country at the time of the quake
53: U.N. workers still missing
At least 82: U.N. workers confirmed dead
27: U.N. workers injured or hospitalized
11,500: Americans and family members who have been evacuated
4,800: Americans unaccounted for
60: Americans confirmed dead
I am sure many of you, like myself, want to help Haiti in anyway possible. Below are a few links to which you can donate to the Haiti relief:
American Red Cross: redcross.org, 1-800-RED-CROSS. Or text "HAITI" to 90999 to make a $10 contribution
UNICEF: unicefusa.org, 1-800-4UNICEF
Habitat for Humanity: habitat.org, 1-800-422-4828
Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund: Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have united to raise funds for the Salvation Army, Mercy Corps, Red Cross, U.N. World Food Programme, and Partners in Health and InterAction. clintonbushhaitifund.org. Or text "QUAKE" to 20222 to donate $10
Remember that every penny donated is helping, so please do what you can to help a country in dire need.
Addicted to Plastic Surgery?

It seems these days people are "addicted" to anything and everything. From the most common addictions such as alochol and drugs to the more modern addictions such as sex (Tiger Woods anyone?) to plastic surgery. I'm here to talk about Heidi Montag, the girl from The Hills reality series on MTV. She recently revealed her new look in People magazine after going under the knife for an unbelievable 10 procedures back in November 2009.
Now look, I can understand her first plastic surgery experience because she had just come to Hollywood where "everyone" is beautiful and she wanted to fit in. So with a nose job and breast augmentation she turned into a beautiful young lady from what was already great genes. This recent surgery has me a little concerned. First of all she is only 23 years old, so the NEED for this many surgeries seems a little outragious. I would like to note, however, that some of the procedures that are considered part of the 10 surgeries are really non-invasive procedures (botox and fillers). But still, she did have 8 other surgeries that are a big deal.
I hate to admit it, but I do follow the drama that is Spencer and Heidi Pratt. I just can't help myself. That, in itself, is an addiction I have! So if I did not know better, I would be supportive of her surgeries because if it is going to make herself feel better...to each their own. However, I would not have had all surgeries performed in one setting. Anyways, what I do know about Heidi and Spencer is that their plan in life is to be famous. And with her records not selling and the reality show they star in having its days numbered, it seems this is yet just another tactic to keep themselves in the limelight for as long as possible. I would say it is a little more than a coincedence that her plastic surgery story came out at the same time her second album dropped. I do hope she did this for herself and nobody else. But I have my doubts.
New Year's Resolutions

I cannot believe it is already 2010, and not only that but we are already 2 weeks into the new year! About this time seems to be when many start slowly losing all motivation when it comes to their new year's resolutions. But do NOT give up yet! I have some tips to help you stay on track for the rest of the year and beyond.
Whether you decided that 2010 was going to be the year you quit smoking, got out of your dead-end job, or finally dropped that 20 lbs you have been trying to lose for years, I have some advice I hope will help you stick to your resolution this year (even if you haven't been able to stick to a resolution any year thus far).
The first thing is to get out of the mind-set that this is a resolution. Look at it as a time to better yourself. Because, let's face it, don't we all hope to better ourselves each and every day? Too many times resolutions are made with a negative mindset. You are thinking to yourself "alright, I will give up the cigarettes, the credit cards, the weight, etc". Now is the time to stop thinking that way! You are looking to improve yourself. You want to be a better person than you were last year. You want to feel better about yourself. You want to lead a healthier lifestyle and be a better role model for your children. This is REALLY what your plan was beginning 01/01/10.
If you absolutely want to stick to your new year's resolution this year, than make sure to make it a realistic one. Saying that you are going to lose 50 lbs by the end of February probably isn't the most realistic goal ever made. But if you set small, attainable goals than the chance of you meeting your goal is MUCH higher. Also-stick to ONE resolution. It makes it much easier to stick to your goal if you focus on one area in your life that you would like to improve. For instance, making a resolution to call your parents more often, lose 25 pounds, and cut up all of your credit cards can become so overwhelming that you give up after just a short period of time.
Additionally, tell everyone you know that you are going to quit smoking in the year 2010! Everyone! That way you are going to be held responsible to master your resolution by not only yourself, but by everyone around you.
I have complete assurance that everyone out there who has made a resolution will stick to it this year following these few steps of advice! It is the year for change, good change! Here's wishing you the best of luck with your road to a better you!