Get A Flatter Belly!
Bathing suit season is in full bloom and one thing we all would like is a flatter belly. Many of us diet and work out relentlessly and still cannot achieve a sculpted, flat belly. This can be very frustrating. Luckily I've got a few items to try out for those of you who suffer from this issue. One option for some may be to have Dr. Conkright perform an Abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck is designed to give you a toner, flatter abdomen. The procedure removes excess abdominal skin and may also reduce fat and tighten the muscles of your abdominal wall. It frequently is performed to correct muscle weakness and loose skin that can occur following multiple pregnancies or significant weight loss. Call to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Conkright to determine if you are a candidate for an Abdominoplasty!
For those of you who are in dire need to flatten your belly fast, whether it is for an upcoming vacation or even a wedding, check out the tips below:
- Sip more water. To reduce bloat, try sipping on 6 to 12 glasses of water each day.
- Do something to relieve stress everyday. The stress hormones actually cause your body to store more fat cells around your waist-so slashing stress is key.
- Eat a little fat every day. When you have zero fat in your daily diet, you will lose enzymes that help you digest fat. The key is moderation and to consume healthy fats such as avocados.
- Tweak the way you breathe. Inhaling and exhaling through the belly will cause it to fill up like a balloon. Instead, the rib cage should be expanding and contracting when you breathe. Practice makes perfect!
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep will cause you to be hungrier and therefore overeat, and we all know that can lead to a bigger belly.
- Cut back on artificial sweeteners. A lot of our bodies don't recognize artificial sweeteners as food and therefore don't know how to digest them causing us to become gassy.
- Stand up straight. Slouching pushes your hips and belly forward, making your body look heavier and your stomach poochier than they really are.
*tips courtesy of Glamour May 2010 issue