Silicone versus Saline...Which is better?

The answer is not the same for everyone.  The FDA dictates that those under 22 are not eligible for Silicone gel breast augmentation and must use saline only.  Both Silicone and Saline breast implants are safe, enlarge the breast and are available for patients 22 and older.

The differences are how they feel, the price, the warranty and in our practice, the amount of time needed in the operating room.  Extra time is needed to fill a saline breast implant.

Currently Dr. Conkright is using Allergan Inspira gel breast implants.  Allergan, also the manufacturer of Botox offers 50 units of Free Botox for the gel augment patient and a friend.

At your complimentary consultation samples of both saline and silicone gel implants are available for your inspection. We want to make sure all of your questions are answered so YOU can choose what fits your personal needs and budget.

Which is better??  It is up to YOU.

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